Where were you when?
Oh, I was.....
And I remember right after that......
Do those phrases sound familiar? I bet they do. We've all said them. We'll say them again today. Because today is Where Were You Wednesday. Below is an event.....tell where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. Or in this case--saw the movie!

Risky Business!
Tom Cruise was young, cute and willing to dance in his skivvies! Dancing in his skivvies worked well for him, wouldn't you say?
How many replays of this infamous scene have you seen? I know I've seen plenty. Any brave souls out there willing to admit they acted this scene out?
This movie came out in 1983. And I can tell you I can't tell you where I was when I saw the movie. Probably at home--I know I didn't go to the movies to see this. I was newly married. That I know.
I forgot the crazy premise of the movie---until I looked it up for this post. Wild and well, probably not very appropriate! I think most people remember the scene rather than the movie.
What about you?
Do you remember watching this movie--or did the scene stay in your mind while the movie plot went bye-bye.
You know, Lindi, I'm not sure where I was, but I do remember seeing it at the theater which was, of course, our only option back then. I thought Tom was so cute. Yeah, not so much now.
Yeah---He was cute---I think he's a little different now which may take away from any cuteness he may have. :)
I totally remember this movie. It was such a big deal when it came out and is still so embedded in our pop culture history. I was always fascinated by the big, weird, crystal egg.
Lydia--Yes, the egg! I do remember that. I just forgot how crazy the plot was!!! But hey, it worked for Tom. And I do like Rebecca D as well.
I remember my mom telling me there was NO way I was seeing that movie. I caught it a year later on cable. :)
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