I'd like to make a special shout out to my critique partner Missy Tippens.

Here we are at the Atlanta RWA Golden Heart ceremony in 2006 when she was a finalist!
Missy has been a major encourager in my life--writing and otherwise! She's always on the ready to answer a question or read something. I'm so thankful she's my critique partner.
How about you? What are you thankful for this week?
I'm thankful for the big Amazon ranking surprise last night - and my awesome wife who peeled me off the ceiling.
I love writing friends.
I am thankful I made it through this week. :) It was a toughie.
Congrats, Alex!! I know it had to be a thrill. Was was the ranking? It still looks great on Amazon.
Peggy---Sorry you had a tough week. Next week will be better, right?
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