Here we go!

Missy is my good friend and critique partner. She's also a fabulous writer.
When you read the first chapter of the book she pulls the heart strings so hard tears fall.
That's a great author.
This is a story about Faith, whose son went to live with his dad. Faith lives next door to Gabe, a widow, and his almost-I-wanna-be-grown-up daughter, Chelsea. This crazy-good book makes you laugh, cry, (as stated earlier) and plain just makes you feel good. Missy has such a heart for writing her novels. Each character is real and believable. You can feel her writing. :) So if you haven't read A Family For Faith, look to the right. You can click and order. It's that simple.
And for what Father Time has brought back: Fires of Winter-Author Johanna Lindsey copyright 1980.

Yes, this is the current cover of Fires of Winter by Johanna Lindsey. Back in the day I read all of JL's novels. Everyone of them. There was one about the future I wasn't really fond of, but the rest---well let's just say I loved JL's books.
In this particular book, the heroine is named Brenna. Lady Brenna. My daughter is named Brenna. Did I like this book?
Romance novels today are written very differently than they were in the 80's. I thank the Johanna Lindsey's, the Kathleen Woodiwiss's, all the ladies (and men writing as ladies!) for paving the way for romance novels.
This novel was set in Viking Culture. Lady Brenna was captured by Garrick Haadrad and well the rest, as we can say here on this blog, is history. Because bottom line, they fell in love!
You've had an interesting journey from historical novel to thriller and now romance novels.
Thanks for your visit to the Write Game. Appreciate your comments.
Hi Lee---thank for stopping by. :)
I'm late to visit! Thanks for mentioning my book and my writing, Lindi! :)
And now...back to that writing! :)
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