No matter what we are doing in life there are struggles. Mondays will be our day to talk about what was left unwritten last week---and then offer encouragement for the following week.
And if everything from your previous week was written—let’s celebrate!
And if everything from your previous week was written—let’s celebrate!

Confession time! I left a whole lot 'unwritten' last week. Only added a small word count to my manuscript, but I did critique chapters for a writing friend. And I saw the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn--which led to no morning writing time Friday morn.
So, how about you? Are you in the 'written' category for last week, or are you like me, in the 'unwritten?'
I'm still in the planning stage. Early planning stage.
Alex--planning stages are necessary! I should probably DO more planning. :)
Blog posts was it for me. Oh, wait! Last week! Wow, it's been a long week. Last week I wrote a three page synopsis and a query-length synopsis. That counts as writing, right? Except writing that's really, really hard.
Blog posts are writing--and they take time and thought. I count them! And congrats on the synopsis---that's sometimes harder than writing the book--agreed?
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