I'm 50. I haven't always read the same type of book-watched the same type of movies--listened to the same type of music. Back in the day, in the 70's I only read historical romance novels. That's it. Until a friend of mine introduced me to Dean Koontz, John Saul and other thriller writers. After working my way through thrillers then I started reading women's fiction--then I started writing. Now I write contemporary christian romance novels. The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith lived in my 8-track player--now David Crowder tops my list of favorite music.But things from my past have shaped who I am today. So we are going to look at 2 somethings. Books-movies-music. The first will be the Here and Now. The second--we'll see what Father Time brings forth and from what era he brings it forth from.Here we go!
Young girls (and older ones, but we won't go there now!) are fascinated by the Twilight series. Yes, I'll admit to being a fan. The movie, Breaking Dawn, book 4 of the series, is about to be at the theaters. :) Fans all over the world are waiting anxiously to see how their favorite novel will look onscreen.

But you see, back when I was a kid, we had Nancy! I know girls all over the world are still reading Nancy, and I still like Nancy--but what a world of difference in the choices for girls now. Can you see Ned as a vamp? Did Nancy and Ned ever kiss? (I just went and did a quick Google search and still didn't find the answer.)
The times they have changed since Nancy and Ned hung out.
What about you? Nancy/Ned? Bella/Edward?
I have that exact Nancy Drew book on my book shelf at home. I guess I was saving it to share with my daughter. Three boys later, I guess I should donate it to the local library. :)
Ciara--I loved Nancy Drew books. Do your boys like to read Hardy Boy, books?
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