Word Counts-Nowhere to Go But Up

Yes, the word count for TCSNK (The Claire She Never Knew) is slowly going up. But slowly going up is better than not going up at all!
I'm going to set my finish date at July 15th for now. I promise to update the word meter at least every night that I write.
So watch, see if I'm going to make it.
Any encouragement is helpful.
And Missy----aren't you in the same position I am? You have a book at least a third of the way written? See what your finishing target date might be. Maybe we can have a contest together regarding finishing dates.
Thanks for all the support.
Remember, for the most part, writing is a solitary job!


Missy Tippens said...

Email me the meter, Lindi! I'll put it on my site and we'll have a competition on finishing. :)

Just like last time, the loser buys dinner or coffee!


AngBreidenbach said...

I am watching your word meter:-) I'm trying to plot mine so that I can start one myself. You can do it Lindi.


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