Book Promo--Fun Aspects

With the release of a new book there is always promotion involved. And now, with all the social media, there are so many avenues to navigate. It can seem overwhelming at times.

I have what I know is going to be a fun aspect to promoting my release, Summer's Song.

First, let me start off by saying my husband and I attend a house church on Sunday mornings. We love it and the people who attend are amazing. They love the Lord with all they have!!  So when one of us does something, like writes a song for her book, another one puts some music to it. And for the last six months or so we've been singing the song at church on occasion.

Last Sunday we video taped Mike singing the song. Our elementary-aged worship leading singers backed him up. The results were awesome!!

I'll be sharing the video soon. Mike has also agreed to come to the book launch with his guitar and sing the song. I'm thrilled!!

Here they are a few weeks ago singing worship!!

Here are two of the precious girls who are in the video.

I've been so blessed by all this!  I know you will be too when you see the video.

What is a fun aspect of promoting a book you've done or seen done?


Heather Murphy said...

What a fun idea! I can't wait to see the video

Lindi said...

Heather--I can't wait to put it up. Will do when the book comes out. And that is soon!!
Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindi! CONGRATS on your book release. I look forward to seeing the video.

Hildie McQueen said...

Let me know when the launch will be, my posse is ready to travel! Congratulations on the song too!!

Ciara said...

When is the launch. You know I'll be there! That is so cool!!

Lindi said...

Susanne--Thanks! I think I owe you a book or two--will be mailing soon. I'm a little behind with that.

Hildie--whoo--I love your posse--what a great group. Right now I'm looking at July 14th--need to nail down the time. Will let you know asap.

Lindi said...

Ciara--I always love seeing you. :)

Misha Gerrick said...

Ooh house church looks like so much fun. ^_^

Jeremy Bates said...

Yeah, I saw an autograph book in an antique shop in Vermont once. lol

Those crazy promises we made as kids rarely work out, right?

Lindi said...

Jeremy--Were they trying to sell it? That would be different--but it might be interesting for research or something.
And I think more often than not the promises don't last a lifetime.

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