My daughter and her fiance went out with another couple last night. They went to the Drive-In. How fun!! I pretty much had forgotten about the venue. When I was in high-school we used to go all the time, but I honestly didn't know if they still existed.
I'm glad to find out they do.
With all the high gas prices and technology it's refreshing to know something of the past is still in existence, and that the younger generation is enjoying it.
What about you? Do you have a Drive-In around you? Have you been lately? Would you like to go?
If you read this call me. I've been trying to call you but there is something wrong with your phone service.
Miss you much!!!
Day late, dollar short !!!
Oh I stopped by to tell you that you won Debby Mayne's book in Seekerville and saw this post.
We used to get into our jammies and go to the drive in about once a month. I remember my dad would listen to the ball game while we kids waited for the cartoons to come on.
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