Why Do People Fall In Love-Z
Dictionary.com says: adjective 1.ludicrously or whimsically comical; clownish.
Check It Out!
Well I knew I liked the word the minute I saw the term whimsical in the definition. I think we all know someone who's a little zany. And I'm sure there are some people who are out there looking to fall in love with someone zany.
What do you think?
I can't believe it's the last day of the Challenge!! It's been awesome and I hope to be 'seeing' you after the challenge is done.
And to celebrate the new friends I'm giving away 5 books today. 4 U S residence only and 1 International. So it's a huge GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave your name and email address to be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch!
Thanks again!!
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-Y
Why Do People Fall In Love-Y
Dictionary.com says: adjective 1.very pleasing to the senses, especially to the taste; delicious: Check It Out!
Think what you want---ha!! But I know I use this term as slang a lot. And don't you think if you would describe someone as yummy--you might be falling in love?
Check yes or no!
Dictionary.com says: adjective 1.very pleasing to the senses, especially to the taste; delicious: Check It Out!
Think what you want---ha!! But I know I use this term as slang a lot. And don't you think if you would describe someone as yummy--you might be falling in love?
Check yes or no!
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-X
Why Do People Fall In Love-X
Dictionary.com says: noun a place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment.
Check It Out!
Yeah--this didn't come to me right away--and it might be stretching it a bit, but hey--if you think somebody is your idea of great beauty, luxury and contentment then go for it.
And because it's a crazy X day it's also going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be entered into the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)
Dictionary.com says: noun a place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment.
Check It Out!
Yeah--this didn't come to me right away--and it might be stretching it a bit, but hey--if you think somebody is your idea of great beauty, luxury and contentment then go for it.
And because it's a crazy X day it's also going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be entered into the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-W
Why do People Fall In Love-W
Dictionary.com says:adjective 1.excellent; great; marvelous: Check It Out!
This is a 'wonderful' reason to fall in love. When you find someone wonderful you need to keep them.
What's your definition of wonderful?
Dictionary.com says:adjective 1.excellent; great; marvelous: Check It Out!
This is a 'wonderful' reason to fall in love. When you find someone wonderful you need to keep them.
What's your definition of wonderful?
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-V
Why Do People Fall In Love-V
Dictionary.com says:noun
1.a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc. Check It Out!
So trust me. If someone is a vegetarian this is a reason they will fall in love! I truly believe if you are a vegetarian it would be a hard life trying to live with someone who ate meat, cheese and fun foods like that.
What do you think? Are you a vegetarian? Do you know someone who is?
Dictionary.com says:noun
1.a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc. Check It Out!
So trust me. If someone is a vegetarian this is a reason they will fall in love! I truly believe if you are a vegetarian it would be a hard life trying to live with someone who ate meat, cheese and fun foods like that.
What do you think? Are you a vegetarian? Do you know someone who is?
Why Do People Fall in Love-U
Why Do People Fall In Love U=Understanding
Ah--U was a difficult letter for this topic. I thought of unusual, also, but decided to go with understanding. There are just some people who seem more understanding than others. Not that they always take your side or agree with you, but that they are willing to listen and let you talk through something and can at least get what you are trying to say.
I also think it's a demeanor of sorts. Maybe more laid-back?
What do you think? Am I on the right track or should I have went with unusual?
A-Z Challenge Why Do People Fall In Love-T
Why do people fall in love-T= Tell me!
Okay, so all month love you've been dealing with my crazy and sometimes not so crazy versions of why people fall in love. Today it's your turn. I want to know why you think people fall in love. One word---a whole paragraph---or more--let me know.
Week 3 Winners
Week 3 winners!!
Letter Q day winner is Ciara!
Letter R day winner is Jnana!
email me your snail mail address to belindapeterson (at) tds (dot) net.
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-S
Why Do People Fall In Love-S
Dictionary.com says:adjective
1.producing or designed to produce a startling effect, strong reaction, intense interest, etc., especially by exaggerated, superficial, or lurid elements: Check It Out!
Okay--I do admit the definition threw me off a little. Exaggerated? Okay. I guess sensational is a little over the top. But I love sensational people. What makes someone sensational in my book? People who are willing to do whatever it takes to get things done. People who go out of their way to help people. Do you know people like that?
What do you think is sensational?
Dictionary.com says:adjective
1.producing or designed to produce a startling effect, strong reaction, intense interest, etc., especially by exaggerated, superficial, or lurid elements: Check It Out!
Okay--I do admit the definition threw me off a little. Exaggerated? Okay. I guess sensational is a little over the top. But I love sensational people. What makes someone sensational in my book? People who are willing to do whatever it takes to get things done. People who go out of their way to help people. Do you know people like that?
What do you think is sensational?
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-R
Why Do People Fall In Love-R
Dictionary.com says:adjective
1. completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use: Check It Out!
Wow! So are we ever really ready? Sometimes I think we are. We're just in that spot or have done enough that we know we are ready to get married. How about you? If you're married did you know you were ready? Or if you're not married, do you think you'll know?
And I know we just gave a book away yesterday, but since we're talking marriage here today I think it's fair we do a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch. (US residence only) We are going to have one more International Give-Away Day---keep checking back!
Dictionary.com says:adjective
1. completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use: Check It Out!
Wow! So are we ever really ready? Sometimes I think we are. We're just in that spot or have done enough that we know we are ready to get married. How about you? If you're married did you know you were ready? Or if you're not married, do you think you'll know?
And I know we just gave a book away yesterday, but since we're talking marriage here today I think it's fair we do a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch. (US residence only) We are going to have one more International Give-Away Day---keep checking back!
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-Q
Why Do People Fall In Love-Q
Dictionary.com says:adjective, -having an old-fashioned attractiveness or charm; oddly picturesqueCheck It Out!
Love a definition when the word charm is used! I think people can find people to be quaint. A little old-fashionedness might be nice in today's crazy, fast-paced world! I can kind of picture the girl next door for this type of falling in love.
What about you? What do you think of when you think quaint?
And because it's a Q kind of day it's going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch. (US residence only)
Dictionary.com says:adjective, -having an old-fashioned attractiveness or charm; oddly picturesqueCheck It Out!
Love a definition when the word charm is used! I think people can find people to be quaint. A little old-fashionedness might be nice in today's crazy, fast-paced world! I can kind of picture the girl next door for this type of falling in love.
What about you? What do you think of when you think quaint?
And because it's a Q kind of day it's going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch. (US residence only)
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-P
Why Do People Fall In Love-P
Dictionary.com says this:adjective --pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness Check It Out!
We all love pretty things. They catch our eye. They make us smile. Same goes with pretty people. But the inside needs to be just as pretty as the outside. Don't you agree?
I love how the definition uses the word gracefulness. That's just an all around-feel-good word if I've ever heard one.
What comes to mind when you think pretty?
Dictionary.com says this:adjective --pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness Check It Out!
We all love pretty things. They catch our eye. They make us smile. Same goes with pretty people. But the inside needs to be just as pretty as the outside. Don't you agree?
I love how the definition uses the word gracefulness. That's just an all around-feel-good word if I've ever heard one.
What comes to mind when you think pretty?
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-O
Why Do People Fall In Love-O
Dictionary.com says: adjective 33. slightly abnormal or not quite sane: He is a little off, but he's really harmless.Check It Out!
If you are a little off it might be that you fall in love with someone because they are a little off as well. Notice I said a little. I know there are plenty of days I feel off--and I hope my hubby is off as well so he doesn't notice.
Every had an 'off' day?
Dictionary.com says: adjective 33. slightly abnormal or not quite sane: He is a little off, but he's really harmless.Check It Out!
If you are a little off it might be that you fall in love with someone because they are a little off as well. Notice I said a little. I know there are plenty of days I feel off--and I hope my hubby is off as well so he doesn't notice.
Every had an 'off' day?
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-N
Why Do People Fall In Love-N
Dictionary.com says:djective, nic·er, nic·est. pleasing; agreeable; delightful Check It Out!
Don't we all love nice people? We all know them. Those who go out of their way to be helpful. Those who do things for you just because. I like the words the dictionary uses. Pleasing--agreeable--isn't that something to look forward to!
And what about delightful? Don't those words bring a smile to your face?
What's something nice someone has done for you lately? or what nice thing have you done for somebody?
Dictionary.com says:djective, nic·er, nic·est. pleasing; agreeable; delightful Check It Out!
Don't we all love nice people? We all know them. Those who go out of their way to be helpful. Those who do things for you just because. I like the words the dictionary uses. Pleasing--agreeable--isn't that something to look forward to!
And what about delightful? Don't those words bring a smile to your face?
What's something nice someone has done for you lately? or what nice thing have you done for somebody?
A-Z Week 2 Winners!
Hi--we have 4 winners from last week.
H Day--winner is Donna
J Day--Winner is Sharkbytes
K Day--Winner is Susanne (yes, you already won once but there are no rules to how many times you can win--you can give this one to a friend!!)
Non-Challenge Day--Jaycee
Winners, please send your email address to belindapeterson (at) tds (dot) net.
Thanks for commenting---looking forward to week 3 of the challenge!!
H Day--winner is Donna
J Day--Winner is Sharkbytes
K Day--Winner is Susanne (yes, you already won once but there are no rules to how many times you can win--you can give this one to a friend!!)
Non-Challenge Day--Jaycee
Winners, please send your email address to belindapeterson (at) tds (dot) net.
Thanks for commenting---looking forward to week 3 of the challenge!!
Who's Stopping By on a Non-Challenge Day?

Hi---Just checking to see who's visiting on a non-challenge day. Everyone is probably blog-breaking, but if you happen to be here--leave a comment because it's a
Leave a comment along with your email address and you'll be entered into the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-M
Why Do People Fall In Love-M
Dictionary.com says: verb (used with object), -ized, -iz·ing.
1.to hypnotize.
2.to spellbind; fascinate.
3.to compel by fascination. Check It Out!
Okay--we'll hope the mesmerizing aspect actually is a real thing--otherwise being mesmerized by someone might not be the best reason to fall in love--agreed?
Dictionary.com says: verb (used with object), -ized, -iz·ing.
1.to hypnotize.
2.to spellbind; fascinate.
3.to compel by fascination. Check It Out!
Okay--we'll hope the mesmerizing aspect actually is a real thing--otherwise being mesmerized by someone might not be the best reason to fall in love--agreed?
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-L
Why Do People Fall In Love-L
How about that? We start off liking someone in a lot of relationships. Sometimes that like turns into love? Agree?
Dictionary.com says this:verb (used with object) to take pleasure in; find agreeable or congenial Check It Out!
I had to find the verb form. Because we are talking falling in love--actions--because loving is an action!
Just do it! Love!!
Oh--and it's Friday the 13th---Go out and LOVE IT!
How about that? We start off liking someone in a lot of relationships. Sometimes that like turns into love? Agree?
Dictionary.com says this:verb (used with object) to take pleasure in; find agreeable or congenial Check It Out!
I had to find the verb form. Because we are talking falling in love--actions--because loving is an action!
Just do it! Love!!
Oh--and it's Friday the 13th---Go out and LOVE IT!
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-K
Why Do People Fall In Love-K
Dictionary.com says:verb (used with object)
1.to touch or press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc.: He kissed his son on the cheek. Check It Out!
Was this the easiest post of this month's theme? I think so! I mean thinking of love naturally leads to thinking of kissing. Don't you love to kiss someone who is a great kisser? Usually the person you're in love with is a great kisser--or at least you think they are because you love them. See, what a great circle of kissing love!!
And just because it's a fun kissing kind of post, and my heroine Allison is blown away by Ashton's kiss, it's another GIVE-AWAY DAY! Yes, 2 days in a row!
Leave a comment and your email address and you'll be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of my book Her Best Catch.
Dictionary.com says:verb (used with object)
1.to touch or press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc.: He kissed his son on the cheek. Check It Out!
Was this the easiest post of this month's theme? I think so! I mean thinking of love naturally leads to thinking of kissing. Don't you love to kiss someone who is a great kisser? Usually the person you're in love with is a great kisser--or at least you think they are because you love them. See, what a great circle of kissing love!!
And just because it's a fun kissing kind of post, and my heroine Allison is blown away by Ashton's kiss, it's another GIVE-AWAY DAY! Yes, 2 days in a row!
Leave a comment and your email address and you'll be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of my book Her Best Catch.

A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-J
Why Do People Fall In Love-J
Dictionary.com says:noun
1. articles of gold, silver, precious stones, etc., for personal adornment. Check It Out!
Let's face it-some people fall in love with somebody because they give them nice jewelry. Or the fact that the person gives them nice jewelry leads to love. This post doesn't mean it's necessarily a superficial kind of love. But if a gal is on the fence regarding love a nice piece of jewelry could help tip the favor the guys way!
Just to dispel the notion of superficial love, we'll give away a gift/review copy of my romance Her Best Catch. Leave a comment along with your email address in the comment section and you will be entered in the drawing!! Yes, it's another GIVE-AWAY DAY!!!
Dictionary.com says:noun
1. articles of gold, silver, precious stones, etc., for personal adornment. Check It Out!
Let's face it-some people fall in love with somebody because they give them nice jewelry. Or the fact that the person gives them nice jewelry leads to love. This post doesn't mean it's necessarily a superficial kind of love. But if a gal is on the fence regarding love a nice piece of jewelry could help tip the favor the guys way!
Just to dispel the notion of superficial love, we'll give away a gift/review copy of my romance Her Best Catch. Leave a comment along with your email address in the comment section and you will be entered in the drawing!! Yes, it's another GIVE-AWAY DAY!!!

A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-I
Why do People Fall In Love-I
Dictionary.com says: adjective
1.engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book. Check It Out!
Yes, some people fall in love because they think the other person is interesting. And don't we want to hang out with interesting people? What's interesting is the different things people find interesting. What I think is interesting in a person may not be interesting to you.
So, what do you find interesting about a person? The things they do? The way they act? A combination of many things?
Let me know!
Dictionary.com says: adjective
1.engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book. Check It Out!
Yes, some people fall in love because they think the other person is interesting. And don't we want to hang out with interesting people? What's interesting is the different things people find interesting. What I think is interesting in a person may not be interesting to you.
So, what do you find interesting about a person? The things they do? The way they act? A combination of many things?
Let me know!
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-H
Why Do People Fall In Love-H
Dictionary.com says: adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est.
1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
3. favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a happy, fruitful land.
4. apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.
5. obsessed by or quick to use the item indicated (usually used in combination): a trigger-happy gangster. Everybody is gadget-happy these day Check It Out!
I had to list all the definitions for this one today. Quite the definitions! There are all different kinds of happy, aren't there? Some good, some maybe not so good.
But face it. We all, most of the time, like to be around happy people. They just have a great smile--a great disposition! What a great attribute to look for when you are looking to fall in love!
So, do you like happy people?
And because it's a Monday--well, it's going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment in the comment section, with your email address, and you'll be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)
Dictionary.com says: adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est.
1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
3. favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a happy, fruitful land.
4. apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.
5. obsessed by or quick to use the item indicated (usually used in combination): a trigger-happy gangster. Everybody is gadget-happy these day Check It Out!
I had to list all the definitions for this one today. Quite the definitions! There are all different kinds of happy, aren't there? Some good, some maybe not so good.
But face it. We all, most of the time, like to be around happy people. They just have a great smile--a great disposition! What a great attribute to look for when you are looking to fall in love!
So, do you like happy people?
And because it's a Monday--well, it's going to be a GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment in the comment section, with your email address, and you'll be entered in the drawing for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)

Week 1 A-Z Challenge Blog Winners
Sunday--non A-Z day, but I'm announcing the previous week's winners for a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch.
Sunday's winner is Susanne!!
Tuesday's winner is Alex J Cavanaugh
Friday's winner is Shannon!!
Congrats to all!! Please email me at belindapeterson (at) tds (dot) net with your snail mail address and I'll get the books out to you!!
Happy Easter to all!! He is risen! :)
Sunday's winner is Susanne!!
Tuesday's winner is Alex J Cavanaugh
Friday's winner is Shannon!!
Congrats to all!! Please email me at belindapeterson (at) tds (dot) net with your snail mail address and I'll get the books out to you!!
Happy Easter to all!! He is risen! :)
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-G
Why Do People Fall In Love-G
Dictionary.com says:adjective/kind or generous; considerate; benevolent. Check It Out!
Goodhearted. Doesn't the word just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? Aren't goodhearted people great! They just know what to do and when to do it. No one needs to tell them you need a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. They just seem to know what you need when you need it. And they're the perfect type of person to fall in love with!
Who do you know that is really goodhearted?
A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-F
Why Do People Fall In Love-F
Fairy-Tale romance:
Dictionary.com says: 1.a story, usually for children, about elves, hobgoblins, dragons, fairies, or other magical creatures.
2.an incredible or misleading statement, account, or belief: His story of being a millionaire is just a fairy tale. Check It Out!
Well, we've all had this fantasy--or we've known someone who's had this fantasy. The fairy-tale romance. Does it exist? I think it can--it all depends on your state of mind. I love the idea--I don't think the way it's portrayed on-screen is very realistic, but I'd like to think I've found my very own fairy-tale romance with my hubby. How about you?
In honor of fairy-tale romance day it's GIVE-AWAY DAY! You know the rules. Leave a comment and email address to be entered in the drawing to win a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch!!
Open to all!

A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-E
Why Do People Fall In Love-E
Dictionary.com says: every thing or particular of an aggregate or total; all. Check It Out!
Isn't it wonderful when you meet someone who has everything you're looking for? Ha! I know it doesn't happen often, if ever, but sometimes, especially when you meet someone very special, for a while it does seem like they are everything you are looking for. But then, I think it's a bit of pressure on that person to live up to it all, don't you?
Have you ever thought you found someone who had it all? Were you right? Or, what did you find out later!!
A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-D
Why Do People Fall in Love-D
Drop-dead GORGEOUS!
Dictionary.com inspiring awe, astonishment, or envy Check It Out!
Okay, you may think this post a little superficial but when dictionary.com had it listed, well really, could I pass it up? No. But really, who doesn't notice someone who's drop-dead gorgeous? I know I do. Doesn't mean people that aren't, (like me!) aren't lovable, but there's something about seeing a handsome/pretty face. And sure, there's more to a person than looks, but here at the A-Z Challenge we're looking at 26 different aspects to falling in love.
So, go with me today!! :)
A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-C
Why Do People Fall In Love-C
C is for character.
Dictionary.com says this about character:
The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. CHECK IT OUT HERE
Notice the definition doesn't say anything about being good.
Good character. Don't we all look for that in a person? Someone we know we can trust, believe and depend on. Someone who will help us out when we're in a pinch. Someone who we know will have their shoulder available when we need to shed some tears.
What is a sign of good character you look for in somebody?
GIVE-AWAY DAY! Leave a comment and your email address to be entered in the drawing to win a review/gift copy of Her Best Catch! (US residence only)

A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-B
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-B
B is for Beauty
I'm not just talking about physically beautiful people. Although we all know them. We all see people who are pleasing to the eye. When they walk by you think about how beautiful they are.
But true beauty comes from within. According to dictionary.com here is the definition of beauty:
The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest). CHECK IT OUT HERE
I love how they worded it--intense pleasure or deep satisfaction. Because don't we all love those feelings? They just make us feel good.
So what do you find truly beautiful in a person?
A-Z Challenge
A-Z WC-Why Do People Fall In Love-A
Whoo-Hoo! The Writing Challenge has begun! Thanks to all who have worked putting this together.
My A-Z theme is Why People Fall In Love--after all, I love love and I love a happy ending. :)
Also--I'm giving away copies of my book Her Best Catch--all month long! At the end of the post I'll say whether it's a give-away day or not. If it is, leave a comment and you are entered in the drawing!
Why People Fall In Love-A
quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle attraction of her strange personality. CHECK IT OUT
Let's face it. We've all probably felt it before. That initial attraction to someone. We are all attracted to different types of people. Personally, I have always gone for the boy-next-door look as opposed to the Alpha male look. I have a preference for no facial hair. I never really dated blondes.
But there are plenty of women who love a blonde haired-facial haired-Alpha kind of guy. That's what makes the world go round!
So, what about you? What kinds of things instantly catch your attention? Anything you purposely steer away from?
GIVE-AWAY DAY #1--Leave a comment and your email address to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of Her Best Catch. (US residence only--will be having a few international give-away days--check back throughout the month!)

A-Z Challenge
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