Here is Pan de Vida. Bread of Life in spanish.
It's a church community center, and so much more. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in Pan de Vida. Praise God.

They worship with a keyboard, guitars, a drummer and beautiful girls with tambourines. But it's not the instruments that make this worship, it's the people playing the instruments and the people in the congregation singing with their voices, full of joy for our Lord. It's what's inside these people that make their worship alive and wonderful and energetic. It's contagious.
Thursday night during the fiesta, we were dancing and singing and having the time of our lives. The memories of that times won't fade quickly I can assure you.
Next time I'll post some work pictures. Yes, we worked. I promise. (Focus, Kay. Focus.)
Until then......
What makes your worship come alive? A certain type of music, a place your heart gets to.....Let me know.