Do you like to read? I love it. I read a lot of different genres. And I've started doing something I've never done before.
I can read two or three books at a time. Yep. I can and I do.
Usually they are different type of books, and whatever I'm in the mood for I pick that one up. Then the next day I may pick up the other one. It's really a different type of thing for me. I never used to be able to do this. It would drive me crazy.
I'm also working on a writing a couple of books. But that's harder for me to switch back and forth. I'm basically working on one, but have started another one to enter in a contest. That story idea has really progressed, but I'm putting it aside until I finish the other story. If ideas come for the second story I'll jot them down in my trusty notebook and keep on plugging away until the finish of previous said wip.
What about you? Can you read two books at the same time? If you write, can you work on more than one story at a time?